Lil’ Rev

Born and bred in Milwaukee, Lil Rev is passionate about music and education. He started teaching music to grade schoolers at the Milwaukee Jewish Day School, and worked as an adjunct music historian and lecturer at The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Lil Rev is an award-winning Wisconsin based multi-istrumentalis best know for his ukulele instruction and one man historical shows.

Twenty years ago, he became a full-time performer who has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles, visited every state in the Union except Alaska and Hawaii, written almost a dozen instructional books, recorded over a dozen albums, and taught thousands of students ukulele and harmonica. 

He tours the U.S. and Canada teaching and performing at festivals, music camps, house concerts, theaters, cruise ships and folk societies. Lil Rev is both a singer-songwriter as well as a dedicated traditional artist who’s penchant for blues, folk, bluegrass and Tin Pan Alley shine thru in his repertoire and performances.

“The way I see it, music isn’t just about entertainment. It has the ability to uplift spirits and empower human beings, whether you’re a kid, a senior, someone with developmental disabilities, or just an average person just getting through your day,” says Lil Ray.

“Without a doubt, my first loves are for the humble ukulele and harmonica. But the truth of the matter is that I’m actually a seasoned multi-instrumentalist equally adept with a flat-pick guitar, old-time banjo, or blues mandolin.”